Tuesday 24 March 2020

Update - 24th March

Dear Friends,
Firstly, can I say a big thank you to all those who have been in touch to share there thoughts about the video service on Sunday. I am delighted to know that it was well received and pleased that we have found a way to be ‘united’ in worship despite being apart from each other. If anyone has any feedback or thoughts or ideas as to what would be helpful to include please do let me know. One suggestion was if people wanted to choose a song to be included in the playlist and share why they have chosen it we could include this in the video, so if you have a favourite song suggestion please let me know.
I am pleasantly surprised by the number of people who have watched the video, far more than we have in church each week. This is because a number of you have told with me that you have shared a link to the video with neighbours, family and friends. Please continue to do this as we have good news to share and hope in the gospel which is much needed at this time.
At the end of last week I was reminded in conversation with someone about the importance of thankfulness. At this time when we are being forced to slow down and have more time to reflect let us choose to be people who are thankful for all that God has blessed us with. Victor Frankl said, “Everything can be taken from us but one thing: the freedom to choose our attitude in any given set of circumstances.” Can I encourage us to choose an attitude of gratitude especially at this time.
I am still using Morning Prayer to pray day by day and intercede at this time. If you have any prayer requests then please do send them to me and I will include them. Let us all keep praying for one another at this time.
I don’t know if you have seen this story from a few days ago https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/uk-england-51988671 but you could make a rainbow and put it up in your window. Angie and the boys have done so. More than just something for people to spot if they are out exercising the rainbow is a reminder of God’s covenant promise to us that he is always with us in each and every situation.
Lastly Jennifer Fabes’ son Jon has been organising a jigsaw swap around St Paul’s flats and has a number of jigsaws available if anyone would be interested in borrowing one. Please give him a call directly on 0791 7674009 if you are interested.
With my love and prayers
