Saturday 14 July 2018

Principal Services — July — September

Dear Friends,

Following on from last year's success, we are holding "Holiday at Home" and look forward to celebrating with them in our service on 8th July. A month later in August we are again running a summer "Holiday Club" for primary school aged children. Their celebration service on 12th August is followed, hopefully, by a BBQ.
We continue with our sermon series based on David Watson's book I Believe in the Church through July & August. In September we welcome Sandra for Baptism and family who will be here to celebrate with Richard & Jordan.
Also in September we will be commissioning our Home Group leaders and celebrating with the groups all that they do to help us grow in our discipleship.
Finally at the end of the month we celebrate Harvest which will give us a great opportunity to invite others to join us following on from our Church Open Day on Saturday 29th September.

Every blessing,

Thursday 12 July 2018

What is a book?

Renew your mind this summertime by reading a good book.

Wednesday 11 July 2018

Mike announces Soul Survivor final events will be in 2019

We are looking forward to taking some young people to Soul Survivor this year. We were sorry to hear that next year will be the final one. We are thankful for this ministry and its impact over many years. We trust that they are responding to the Spirit's leading and pray that the events this year and next will be as great as always.

Tuesday 10 July 2018

The Community of the the Tree of Life

It was a joy to welcome Rachel Bennetts to preach at St Paul's a few weeks ago. Rachel is the Prior of the new monastic community that is being set up in the heart of Leicester to inspire a rising generation to pray.
Visit their website to find out more about this exciting new venture.
Applications to join the community are now open for those aged 20-35 and details can be found here

Saturday 7 July 2018

Barbecue Season

About two thirds of St Paul’ church members are linked to a Home Group. These vary in the day and time that they meet to suit their members, but most meet fortnightly. They are opportunities for Bible study, prayer, discussion and mutual encouragement, as well as joint social activities.

Many take a break for the peak summer months, but often join in a barbecue before they do so. One example is shown here.

Everyone will be very welcome to join one when they meet again in September.

Thursday 5 July 2018

Holiday at Home

The summer months are a traditional time to get away for a holiday. However, there are many, especially those who are older, who find it difficult to get away. Following their success last year, Helen Vickerstaffe has led a team at St Paul’s to organise A “Holiday at Home this week.”
For four days this week they have organised activities often associated with a holiday break, which seem to have been very well received by all those who came.

Here are a few photo's from today, there was chocolate to taste this morning during a demonstration from folks at Cocoa Amore. After a buffet lunch there were various craft activities in the afternoon
We would like to thank Helen and the team for all their commitment

Holiday at Home

Today is the start of our Holiday at Home!
After the success of last years event we are running another Holiday at Home this year from the 5th-8th July.
Each day includes food and different activities. Today we look forward to welcoming a Chocolatier who is going to give a demonstration, I am hoping there will be some samples!!

Wednesday 4 July 2018

Parish Magazine

The latest edition of the Parish Magazine was out this weekend. Here is my lead article reproduced in full...

I wonder, how long have you been going to church for? There are no longer service certificates or awards given out for the number of years that you have been a church-goer or have worshiped in the same place. Can you remember back to when you started coming along to church? Maybe you were too young to remember anything that took place then! Going to church, meeting with other Christians to worship together is an essential part of our faith, there is no such thing as an isolated Christian. We are all called to be part of the Body of Christ.

Setting aside time for God, to worship and pray is not a duty but rather a joy. For it is in our coming together as church that we realise we are not alone. Through worship we are reminded of who God is, of his sovereign rule and reign and of his great love for us. We gather together to be encouraged, challenged and strengthened in our faith so that we can be sent out to live and to work to God’s praise and glory.

How do you arrive at church? I don’t mean by car or walking! Do you come because you feel you should? Do you drag yourself out of bed and struggle to arrive on time? Or do you arrive with a sense of expectation, looking forward to encountering God through the Holy Spirit? Not every week promises to be an amazing encounter but the danger with our years of churchgoing is that we get so used to what we think is going to take place that we fail to come with expectation that God is going to do anything at all!

So here are some top tips that might help you to meet with God during worship…

1, Arrive in good time and make time before the service begins to still yourself, to pray and to ask God that you would be open to whatever he wants to do in your life during the service.

2, Engage your brain and participate in the service. Focus on the words you are singing, saying or praying. Don’t let the familiarity of the words allow them to simply wash over you. Focus on a word or phrase, remind yourself what it means and be encouraged by it.

3, Bring your Bible. Engage with the word of God. Read it daily. Meditate on it. Listen to God speak to you through his word. Christians in other parts of the world long for a copy of scripture in their own language, we have so many translations available to us. Don’t take them for granted, use them.

4, Take notes during the sermon. Our lovely Clergy and Readers spend hours preparing their sermons for a Sunday. We would all be really encouraged if it looked like you were noting down insightful points from them! This is the part of the service that is most likely to be different week by week. How do you remember and engage with what the preacher is saying? Taking notes will help you with this. And we would always be delighted to discuss things raised from a sermon with you. How about trying to come up with a single sentence summary of what you heard in the sermon and sharing it with someone, even the minister on the way out of church, it will be so much more encouraging than, ‘nice sermon vicar’! And be prepared to be challenged by the sermon too, and to ask the question, ‘what am I going to do differently in response to what I have just heard’?

5, Be prepared to respond. If God is challenging you, if the Holy Spirit is convicting you, if Jesus lays something on your heart be willing to do something about it. This is the hard part but it is also where change and transformation occurs. As we step out in faith and trust, as we respond to what God is doing, so we will become more aware of his work in our lives. Don’t delay the action part otherwise the danger is it may never happen. Respond as soon as possible and, if appropriate, share it with someone else too.

6, Pray. Much of the service can feel as if it is being ‘done to us’. Don’t abdicate your responsibility to be involved. Especially in the times of quiet, pray that God would be with you. Let your prayers be authentic and heart felt.

7, Remain faithful. God remains faithful to us. Even when he may feel distant, when prayers go unanswered or life is tough God is with us. He is always worthy of all our worship, praise and thanksgiving. Giving thanks in all circumstances is a challenge but it demonstrates our commitment to God who gave everything for us.

The local church is the hope of the world. The Body of Christ needs all its members to function well. We need the church and the church needs us. May we all play our part as sisters and brothers in Christ in this place. May the name of Jesus be glorified as we come expectantly to worship him week by week. And may God bless us in all we do.

Tuesday 3 July 2018

I Believe in the Church

Through the summer months our sermon series is based on David Watson's book I Believe in the Church. The series runs across both churches. Last summer we looked at the different biblical models of church, this year we are looking at the different things we do as church. We started a few weeks ago on the topic of worship.
 On Sunday, Karen, one of our lay readers preached on the topic of Reading God's Word. You can listen to her sermon here along with our other most recent sermons.
 We also made use of our new Order of Service booklets. Thanks to those who have worked hard to produce them.