Every week Anona Griffin updates the display in the entrance lobby to St Paul's. With very little going on this week, she felt God leading her to highlight these Christian virtues, which are very important at this time. A Faith that this is God's world, and we are his people, Hope that as always, God has a purpose in this troubled Situation, and Love, the knowledge that God loves us. He wants us to love Him and to show his love to others; she particularly thought of 1 Thessalonians 5:8 "let us be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet."
There is an encouraging new video from Martyn Snow, Bishop of Leicester here.
Tuesday, 31 March 2020
Update - Tuesday 31st March
Dear Friends,
I hope this finds you all well.
In my video on Sunday I made reference in my prayers to some people who had
come to faith in the face of this pandemic. Here is the story, a testimony by Dr
Julian Urban a 38 year-old doctor in Lombardy
Up until two weeks ago, my colleagues and I were atheists…I always laughed at my parents when they went to church. Nine days ago, a 75-year-old pastor came to us for medical help. He had grave respiratory problems, but he had a Bible with him and it impressed us that he was reading the Bible to the people who were dying and holding their hands.
We were all tired, discouraged doctors, psychologically and physically spent, and so we found that we were listening to him... We realized that we have reached the limits of what man can do. We need God, and we have begun to ask for his help, when we have a few moments free. We cannot believe that we who were fierce atheists are now seeking for interior peace by asking the Lord to help us...
The 75-year old pastor [has now] died. Despite the fact that in the last three weeks we have had over 120 people die in our unit, and we are all exhausted and feel destroyed, he succeeded, despite his own condition and our own difficulties, to bring us a PEACE that we no longer hoped to find.
The testimony was gathered by Gianni Giardinelli and translated by Giuseppe Pellegrino.
Up until two weeks ago, my colleagues and I were atheists…I always laughed at my parents when they went to church. Nine days ago, a 75-year-old pastor came to us for medical help. He had grave respiratory problems, but he had a Bible with him and it impressed us that he was reading the Bible to the people who were dying and holding their hands.
We were all tired, discouraged doctors, psychologically and physically spent, and so we found that we were listening to him... We realized that we have reached the limits of what man can do. We need God, and we have begun to ask for his help, when we have a few moments free. We cannot believe that we who were fierce atheists are now seeking for interior peace by asking the Lord to help us...
The 75-year old pastor [has now] died. Despite the fact that in the last three weeks we have had over 120 people die in our unit, and we are all exhausted and feel destroyed, he succeeded, despite his own condition and our own difficulties, to bring us a PEACE that we no longer hoped to find.
The testimony was gathered by Gianni Giardinelli and translated by Giuseppe Pellegrino.
I want to finish today with the words of Psalm 46 below
Every blessing
is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
3 though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with their surging.[c]
an ever-present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
3 though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with their surging.[c]
There is a river whose streams make glad the
city of God,
the holy place where the Most High dwells.
5 God is within her, she will not fall;
God will help her at break of day.
6 Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall;
he lifts his voice, the earth melts.
the holy place where the Most High dwells.
5 God is within her, she will not fall;
God will help her at break of day.
6 Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall;
he lifts his voice, the earth melts.
The Lord Almighty is
with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
Come and see what the Lord has
the desolations he has brought on the earth.
9 He makes wars cease
to the ends of the earth.
He breaks the bow and shatters the spear;
he burns the shields[d] with fire.
10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
the desolations he has brought on the earth.
9 He makes wars cease
to the ends of the earth.
He breaks the bow and shatters the spear;
he burns the shields[d] with fire.
10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
The Lord Almighty is
with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
the God of Jacob is our fortress.
Friday, 27 March 2020
Update - Friday 27th March
I hope that you are continuing to stay well.
I had another letter earlier this week from the Archbishops saying that all
churches are now closed even for private prayer and filming. So we are hoping to
produce another video for this Sunday which will come either from outside church
or from my study! It will be on the same channel as last week https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHK8EZFozeGcWE3mQpTVYJw/playlists
Also on the You Tube channel you can see a brief assembly that Lou
recorded. We should have been going into Manor High School next week for Easter
assemblies. You can watch the video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09yPVc84c_s
Anita is continuing to send out a weekly News Sheet, she has added names
onto her list, if you don’t get it by email and would like to be added to the
list please be in touch with Anita.
This Sunday we were due to be having a presentation as part of the service
from Jews for Jesus about Christ in the Passover. You can watch the presentation
on line where it is being live streamed. See here for details https://jewsforjesus.org/christ-in-the-passover-online
A last link to send to you, Oadby & Wigston Borough Council are
coordinating a volunteer response which you can register for either to help out
or if you are in nee, see the details here https://www.oadby-wigston.gov.uk/pages/community_hub_coronavirus_covid_19
Keeping you all in my prayers. Do be in touch if there is anything specific
I can be praying for you.
Every blessing
Tuesday, 24 March 2020
Update - 24th March
Dear Friends,
Firstly, can I say a big thank you to all those who have been in touch to
share there thoughts about the video service on Sunday. I am delighted to know
that it was well received and pleased that we have found a way to be ‘united’ in
worship despite being apart from each other. If anyone has any feedback or
thoughts or ideas as to what would be helpful to include please do let me know.
One suggestion was if people wanted to choose a song to be included in the
playlist and share why they have chosen it we could include this in the video,
so if you have a favourite song suggestion please let me know.
I am pleasantly surprised by the number of people who have watched the
video, far more than we have in church each week. This is because a number of
you have told with me that you have shared a link to the video with neighbours,
family and friends. Please continue to do this as we have good news to share and
hope in the gospel which is much needed at this time.
At the end of last week I was reminded in conversation with someone about
the importance of thankfulness. At this time when we are being forced to slow
down and have more time to reflect let us choose to be people who are thankful
for all that God has blessed us with. Victor Frankl said, “Everything can be
taken from us but one thing: the freedom to choose our attitude in any given set
of circumstances.” Can I encourage us to choose an attitude of gratitude
especially at this time.
I am still using Morning Prayer to pray day by day and intercede at this
time. If you have any prayer requests then please do send them to me and I will
include them. Let us all keep praying for one another at this time.
I don’t know if you have seen this story from a few days ago https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/amp/uk-england-51988671
but you could make a rainbow and put it up in your window. Angie and the boys
have done so. More than just something for people to spot if they are out
exercising the rainbow is a reminder of God’s covenant promise to us that he is
always with us in each and every situation.
Lastly Jennifer Fabes’ son Jon has been organising a jigsaw swap around St
Paul’s flats and has a number of jigsaws available if anyone would be interested
in borrowing one. Please give him a call directly on 0791 7674009 if you are interested.
With my love and prayers
Sunday, 22 March 2020
Mothering Sunday
Today is Mothering Sunday and here are the pot plants that we have distributed around our congregation. Normally we would have given them out in our service to all the ladies present. However, this is the first Sunday we have not been able to meet following government advice. Instead we have posted a virtual service on our You Tube channel which you can watch here
Saturday, 21 March 2020
Update Sat 21st March
Dear Friends,
On Thursday Mohammad and his family moved into their new home in Great Glen
and I called round to see them on Friday. Do keep them in your prayers as they
unpack and settle in ready for Mohammad to begin work on 1st April. If anyone
has a sofa they could donate to them then that would be welcome OR if anyone has
a van and is willing to help them move one that they buy second hand do let me
Also on Friday I managed to ring round a number of St Paul’s folks who are
not on email, do continue to keep in contact with each other in this way. Some
of the Home Groups are staying in touch with each other via Whats App groups and
two of them still managed to have a study this week making use of various
This afternoon I recorded a virtual service for tomorrow which will be
uploaded to this link https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKuue_0E3kVosjLNX6jrpNGSw8SvXKUdI
There you will also find a recording of the sermon and a playlist of songs that
had been chosen for the service. I want to encourage as many of us as possible
to watch it together at 10am when we would normally be meeting. My thanks to
Jordan and Samuel who have worked on this. We have also tried to provide
something for our children and young people so that they are included as well,
Angie & Lou have been working hard on this.
Do also take part in the National Call to Prayer tomorrow at 7pm by
lighting a candle, placing it in your window and praying for the nation at this
Here are some daily quarantine questions that were sent to me and I pass
onto you
1. What am I Grateful for today?
2. Who am I Checking in on or Connecting with today?
3. What expectations of ‘normal’ am I Letting go of today?
4. How am I Getting Outside today?
5. How an I Moving my body today?
6. What Beauty am I either creating, cultivating or inviting in
With my prayers
Friday, 20 March 2020
Update Wed 18th March
And here is an email I sent out on Wednesday 18th March
Dear Friends,
One of things we can do to help and support one another and show Christ’s
love in action is to offer to help those in need at this time. There are some
postcards available for free download on CPO’s website which you can pop through
a neighbours door. Here is the link https://www.cpo.org.uk/product.aspx?prod=C6051FD&cat=80329&utm_source=Reach+%E2%80%93+the+CPO+Newsletter&utm_campaign=4bd98dd4b4-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_03_17_10_12&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_44b10271d2-4bd98dd4b4-423794145
or you could just use the details on it to produce your own.
Sunday is Mothering Sunday and we already have the pot plants! I would love
to be able to distribute them to those who would have received them had we been
meeting i.e. all the ladies in our congregation. If you are willing to come and
collect some from outside church and drop them at peoples doors near to you
please let me know. I don’t want them to go to waste!
The Archbishops are asking us all to place a lighted candle in our window
at 7pm this Sunday, “as a sign of solidarity and hope in the light of Christ
that can never be extinguished”. Can I encourage you to join in with this and
make this a time to pray for our nation, for our leaders and for our NHS.
In addition to the many resources I mentioned in my last email, Songs of
Praise is on each Sunday on BBC1 at 1.15pm and they also have some great clips,
music and resources on their website.
I have attached to this email the joint letter from the Archbishops
yesterday if you are interested.
Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is
near. 6 Do not be anxious about
anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God. 7
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will
guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4.5-7
my prayers
Here is an email that I wrote to members of the congregation on Tuesday 17th March
Dear Friends,
I wanted to write to you all in the midst of all that is going at present
as we respond to a constantly changing situation.
The Archbishops have this afternoon called on the Church of England to put
public worship on hold and become a different type of church at this time.
In the next few days I will be trying to see if it possible for us to live
stream a ‘service’ on Sunday using either You Tube or Face Book live. Here is
the link to the St Paul’s You Tube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHK8EZFozeGcWE3mQpTVYJw which you can subscribe to.
Last Sunday we gave out an updated Address/Contact list and I can email you
one if you missed it. Firstly, this acts as a prayer diary so we can pray for
one another on different days of the month, do use it in this way. But it also
helps us to be in contact with one another. Do use it for this purpose too! A
call, text or email to check in with one another or to offer help and support
can go along way. Please especially pray at this time for our many doctors and
those involved in frontline health care in the busyness, pressure and
uncertainty. If you are unwell or have decided to self isolate do let me know
(email oadbyrector@gmail.com or 0116
271 0519). If there is anything we can do to help please be in touch. I would
sooner hear from several people than not at all about a need and hope and pray
that as the body of Christ we can help and serve one another as we are
All of our Home Groups have decided to suspend meeting together and I have
written to the leaders this morning encouraging them to keep functioning without
the face to face meeting using technology. If you are part of a home group do
keep looking out for each other and try and be in touch via video call/skype.
Just because services have stopped does not mean that the church has shut up
shop. Now more than ever is the time for us to care well for one another and for
our local community.
Whilst we can not meet together we can still feed and nurture our faith.
All our sermons are available to listen to online using this link http://www.buzzsprout.com/55355/ The
Church of England has a free app you can download called ‘Daily Prayer’ which
provides liturgy, prayers and Bible readings for Morning, Evening & Night
prayer. Another good app is the ‘You Version’ of the Bible which will send you a
verse a day and also has hundreds of free Bible reading plans on it. Or ‘The
Bible in One Year’ app will send you readings and a commentary daily, I have
used this for the last 5 years and recommend it. Then there are a number of
prayer apps, Colin mentioned in his sermon ‘Lectio 365’ which comes from 24/7
prayer or ‘Pray as you Go’ which is from a Jesuit community. There are also lots
of worship songs and hymns as well as sermons freely available on You
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him,
so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:
This comes with my love and prayers
Thursday, 19 March 2020
More about Coronovirus
Dear Friends,
Firstly, many thanks to those who have offered to help distribute the Mothering Sunday plants. They are now all allocated and should be on their way out very soon. There is enough for most people to have one so my apologies if one doesn’t make it to you, please know we are still thinking of and praying for you.
Today I have tried to call a number of people from St Paul’s who are not on email to check in with them. I was reminded of the power of a simple phone call and how delighted people are to know that we care. Many of them had already been contacted by others from St Paul’s and I am very thankful for this loving church family. Can I encourage you to keep in contact with one another, do keep praying for each other and ask the Lord if there is someone that you should reach out to each day.
This morning I went, with the rest of Oadby, to Sainsbury’s and am disheartened by the empty shelves, the panic buying and the selfishness of people. Today I learnt about a family who have run out of toilet paper and been unable to get some more. This week I have also been aware of those on a tight budget who cannot afford the expensive branded food that is all they have found left on the shelf and the need for us to make sure we are still donating to the Food Bank. But my faith in peoples goodness was restored when I went to give blood this afternoon and saw there was a high turnout, and a long wait. Let us be salt and light in these times, bringing faith and hope where there is panic and fear.
Today we have uploaded a 2 minute video to the St Paul’s You Tube channel, you can watch it here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvM2QFYk2kU&feature=youtu.be Do subscribe to the channel, this is where I hope to post a video in place of Sunday’s service.
Also on Sunday “The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby is to lead a national broadcast as the Church of England responds to the challenge of becoming a “different sort of church” in the face of the coronavirus crisis.
The service, including prayers, hymns and a short sermon, will be broadcast online by the Church of England and broadcast across 39 local BBC radio stations this Sunday as congregations across the country find new ways of sharing worship together after public church services were put on hold.
Churches of all major denominations will also be marking a national day of prayer and action this Sunday – Mothering Sunday - particularly remembering those who are sick or anxious and all involved in health and emergency services.”
The service will be broadcast on all BBC local radio stations in England at 8am and will premier online at 9am on Sunday
Also: “The Archbishops are asking us all to place a lighted candle in our window at 7pm this coming Sunday, “as a sign of solidarity and hope in the light of Christ that can never be extinguished”.
Lastly just to let you know St Peter’s Church is remaining OPEN between 9am and 4pm daily, for people to come and pray / talk / sing etc if you want to, just please practice physical distancing with any other people there. The church is being cleaned daily, particularly surfaces that people touch frequently e.g. door handles.
Every blessing
Steve Bailey, Rector
Church is Changing — Coronavirus
Sadly, the
coronavirus pandemic has meant that we have had to cease worshipping together
on Sundays. Below are two links to messages – one from the Archbishop Justin
Welby and one from our own bishop, Martyn Snow.
Message from theBishops of Leicester and Loughborough
A video from Bishop Martyn
If you have not been able to get to church recently – whether due to coronavirus or other problems, did you know that we record the Sunday sermons and you can find them here. Catching up on the teaching is a good way to pass the time!
Homegroups are
also ceasing to meet, but Steve has encouraged us to keep in contact with each
other by telephone, Skype, email et cetera.
If anyone who is
isolated needs shopping et cetera, they should feel free to telephone any of the
younger members of the congregation.
Message from the Archbishops of Canterbury and YorkMessage from theBishops of Leicester and Loughborough
A video from Bishop Martyn
If you have not been able to get to church recently – whether due to coronavirus or other problems, did you know that we record the Sunday sermons and you can find them here. Catching up on the teaching is a good way to pass the time!
Wednesday, 18 March 2020
Viral Kindness
If you want to make contact with a neighbour to offer to help then you can download and print off these postcards to pop through someones door. Provided by CPO for free here.
Tuesday, 17 March 2020
Do not worry
On Sunday morning our children in Supertroopers wrote prayers on bird shapes and placed them on this tree picture. A lot of their prayers were for everyone's concerns at this difficult time and for our NHS. They were focusing on the passage from Matthew 6.25-34 where Jesus encourages us not to worry but to put our faith, hope and trust in God.
News from our friends at St Peter's
Communication to be made to St. Peter’s Church Family on Sunday 15th
March (and to other congregations in the Oadby-Great Glen Team Ministry)
Since the departure of Liz Wilson as team vicar at St.
Peter’s in October, the St. Peter’s PCC has with the support of the Archdeacon
been preparing for a new team vicar appointment process with the development of
a parish profile to advertise the vacant role.
At the same time some of the support for Sunday services at St. Peter’s
has been provided by Sami Lindsey the vicar of St. John’s Clarendon Park and
his curate Jon Tearne.
At its meeting on Thursday the St. Peter’s PCC decided to
pause the process towards advertising the team vicar role, in order to explore the
alternative of a partnership with St. John’s Clarendon Park involving the
continued involvement at St. Peter’s of Jon Tearne on a full-time basis with
oversight and support from Sami Lindsey and the wider Oadby-Great Glen Team
The aims of this resourcing church partnership would be to
revitalise St. Peter’s, in particular to grow St. Peter’s mission among
children and young families, young people and young adults (including students)
and to enable St. Peter’s to be a planting church establishing new worshipping
communities in Oadby. At the same time the aim would be to continue
developing the civic role of St. Peter’s with its links to the local community.
A document has been agreed setting out these partnership
aims, the resources that would be deployed to achieve them and the consultation
within the wider Team Ministry and patrons that would be followed to enable Jon
formally to join the Team Ministry
full-time with oversight and support from Sami, hopefully in the early
summer. This arrangement would then continue
for two and a half years until the end of Jon’s time as curate when there would
be further discernment about future provision of ordained ministry. The Team Ministry would meanwhile continue to
be led by Steve Bailey as Team Rector.
The information in this announcement will be shared in next
week’s noticesheet and then on Sunday 29th March after the 10am
morning service Sami, Jon and Steve will be present for an informal time with
the St. Peter’s congregations during which any questions may be asked of them about
the proposed partnership.
Friday, 13 March 2020
Everyday Witness Lent Course
This year we have encouraged our home groups to make use of the excellent Lent Course provided by the Diocese, 'Everyday Witness'. I led a session on Wednesday with a group at St Peter's and it provoked some great discussion which increased our confidence to share our faith. It's not too late to join in a group. Thanks to those who have produced this for us.
Tuesday, 10 March 2020
I Am the Gate
Our series of Jesus' "I am" statements from John's gospel at the All Age services continued this Sunday. This time it was "I Am the Gate" or as some translations put it "I am the door." Steve made it clear that this was not like a 5 barred gate or the large metal gates outside a mansion. It was the gap into the sheepfold and the Shepherd lay across it – protecting the sheep from robbers or wild animals. The sheep knew him and his voice. They were his and he would protect them, just as he wants to protect us too. It was a message that children could understand. But it was equally true for us as adults
Welcome to Mohammad

We look forward to welcoming Mohammad and to his ministry among us, and will be praying for him and his family as they prepare to join us.
Sunday, 1 March 2020
A Blaze of Colour
Today, 1 March, is St David’s day. Very appropriately St Paul’s church
grounds (modest as they are) are a blaze of yellow daffodils, St David’s
traditional flower. After the bleakness of the winter, it’s wonderful to see
this sign of new life. Although we have only just started Lent, they are a
reminder of the glory of Easter, which comes at the end of Lent, when we
remember Christ rising from the dead.
Lent Lunches

This usually
takes place on a Saturday and on 29 February, the first Saturday in Lent this
year, it was the turn of St Paul’s to provide the lunch.
It will take
place each Saturday during Lent, rotating through the churches, and everyone is warmly invited.
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