Sunday 5 January 2020

Principal Services — January - March

Happy New Year!

Welcome to the start of 2020.

As we enter a new year and a new decade we are going to begin with a spiritual health check. They reckon that gym attendance is really high at the beginning of a new year as people go on a health kick after the excesses of Christmas and try to start with positive resolutions. But then the reality kicks in and after a few weeks the numbers drop off and return to normal as people give up and return to old habits. No matter how long we have been on our journey of faith it can be easy to fall into habits. Much like a car has an annual MOT so it is important for us to take stock of where we are in our Every Day faith. It might be good to try something new or to tweak some of our current practises. Both the New Year and the season of Lent can be helpful in this regard. So can I encourage you to join me in a spiritual health check to develop our holy habits as every day disciples of Jesus Christ.

Every blessing,

Details of Services