Wednesday 6 March 2019

The Right to Believe

The charity on which we are focusing our thoughts and prayers this month is Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW). We take for granted our freedom to worship, or not, as we like. This is not true in many parts of the world, where believers may not be allowed to congregate to worship, may be deprived of civil rights and may even be imprisoned or killed. CSW seeks to oppose this. As the website says: "CSW's team of specialist advocates work on over 20 countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East, to ensure that the right to freedom of religion or belief is upheld and protected.

Our vision is a world free from religious persecution, where everyone can practise a religion or belief of their choice. The right to freedom of religion or belief is also known as the ‘first freedom’ given to humanity by God. It’s a touchstone human right, often serving as a ‘litmus test’ for whether other rights are at risk of being abused.

It's a right we must protect, defend and restore. CSW seeks to challenge and change the laws, behaviours and policies which lead to abuses of the right to freedom of religion and belief. We have over three decades of experience advocating for freedom of religion or belief around the world."

May we be grateful for our privileges, pray for those where it is very different,. And support CSW as it seeks to uphold their rights.