Today was not
only the day that the clocks went back (no one actually arrived late!), nor the
4th Sunday in Lent, but it was also, and probably the best known,
Mothering Sunday. During this morning’s service, the children were invited to
take small flower plants (mainly pansies) to their mothers. Then they were
invited to take them to all the ladies in church. Finally, people were also
invited to take plants back to their mothers if they were not in church.
Whether or not
our mothers are still alive, for most people there is a wonderful tender memory
of them. However, this is not always so and the prayers included prayers for
those who find Mothering Sunday difficult.
Hopefully, the
meal that people went back to after church will have been prepared by someone
other than the mother and the family.
Another feature of the service was that when we came to the Lord ’s
Prayer, it was prayed by six different people in their own languages, before we
said it together in English. It’s wonderful to be part of the worldwide church
and see that reflected in a number of our congregation.