Sunday 17 February 2019

Lessons from a Jenga Tower

At our service this morning continued the theme of “discipleship,” and today the theme was “corporate prayer.” In the Young People’s slot, early in the service, our lay minister (Reader) Colin Chettle, who was leading the service used a Jenga tower to demonstrate how the absence of individuals (and their prayers) can weaken the whole structure. Younger people, and their prayers, were vital to the life of the church. The game was started by the children, although adults helped, especially when the tower got so high that the children could not reach. But the higher the tower, the greater the crash!

Another of our lay ministers, Karen, showed how important corporate worship was in the life of the early church and invited us to discuss why we found it difficult to pray corporately. Finally she invited us to discuss ways that we could find to overcome the problems that we had identified.

With a “Prayer Hour” in church this evening, we wait to see the effect Karen’s sermon has had.