A group of us have just returned from Soul Survivor Week B. Here is the highlights video they produced. We are hoping to share some of our stories during our service soon, once we have caught up on some sleep!
St Paul's is a vibrant church in the open-evangelical tradition. It is part of the Church of England and its Parish serves Oadby, east of the A6. It is also part of a larger group of parishes, called a "Benefice," which includes St Peter's Oadby, Great Glen and Burton Overy with Carlton Curlieu. We seek to be a church for all ages, backgrounds, cultures and nationalities, that is growing and following Jesus. We have a congregation of about one hundred at our main Sunday service and are always pleased to welcome enquirers and visitors.
St Pauls Oadby is part of a group of churches known as a benefice — the Benefice of Oadby - Great Glen. It is led by a ministry team, headed by the rector, Revd Steve Bailey, and including Revd Kim Ford (based at Great Glen), currently a vacancy (based at St Peters Oadby), Revd Sarah Collins (curate) together with Lay Ministers (Readers and Pastoral Assistants). The other churches are:- Oadby St Peter's http://stpetersoadby.org.uk/ Great Glen St Cuthbert's https://stcuthbertschurchgreatglen.blogspot.com/ Burton Overy St Andrews https://www.achurchnearyou.com/church/4702/