Monday 27 August 2018

Joint Service

As has been customary in recent years, this Sunday, the Sunday of the August bank holiday weekend, was a joint service between St Paul’s and St Peter’s. This year it was held at St Peter’s. The service was led by Steve Bailey, the rector, and Liz Wilson, the vicar at St Peter’s preached.

Her sermon was the latest on the series of characteristics of the Church. This week, it was that of love. She pointed out that Greek had many words for love (the sacrificial love of God, sexual love, the love of parents and family, and love of friends). She pointed to the story of St Peter, who had denied Jesus. And when, after the resurrection, Jesus had asked him: “do you love me (agape – love of God)?” he had only been able to reply: “you know that I am your friend.” Eventually, Jesus just asked him: “are you my friend” and Peter replied: “you know that I am.” Even with this weakest affirmation, Jesus was able to use him, and gave a task: “Feed my sheep.” So too, it is for us. Jesus will transform our weakest love. Above all these forms of love stands the cross – the sign of Christ’s supreme sacrificial love for us.

Members of both churches took part in leading the service. It was good to meet together as we remembered the love of Christ for us, as we partook of Communion together.