Each year the Church nationwide holds a Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. It usually takes place over 8 days towards the end of January. This year in Oadby the Churches decided to try and hold this week in the days between Ascension (Thursday 14th May) and Pentecost (24th May) in the hope that the brighter, warmer evening make be more conducive to people coming out in the evening to pray.
Last night was St Paul's turn to host Unity Prayers. As we gathered together, we sang, listened to 2 passages from the Bible and spent time praying in groups. We prayed for the Persecuted Church, for the work of Missionaries who share faith and for ourselves as we seek to share our faith with others.
On Sunday evening St Paul's will be hosting 'Ignite', one of our services for young people to bring the youth of Oadby together and conclude our week of Prayer for Christian Unity.