On Sunday 17th May an intrepid group from all the churches in Oadby gathered at St Paul's for a packed lunch and then to head off on a sponsored walk to support Christian Aid. Nourished and sustained by food and the drinks on offer and supported by prayer folks set off for either a 4 mile walk to Great Glen or a 10 mile circular walk that continued out to Burton Overy and came back to St Paul's.
The weather stayed fine for the afternoon and much good conversation was shared by the walkers.
Thanks go to all who organised the walk and took a group around the route making sure people had the chance to walk at a pace that suited them.
This small act of witness and solidarity joins with many other events that tie in with Christian Aid week and supports the good and faithful work Christian Aid do. Last week we reminded of this work by a speaker from Christian Aid at a United service hosted by the United Reformed Church.