Monday, 20 January 2014

Faith Hope and Unity

We have entered the week of prayer for Christian Unity. So, last night, Christians from different Oadby Churches gathered together  at Oadby Baptist Church.

The service, inspired by Canadian “First Nation” Christians was led by the Minister of the Baptist Church, Revd Ellen Price. In the sermon, having read Mark chapter 9, she talked about the disciples discord as to who was the best. Our role should not be to claim to be better, but unite in taking the humblest place.

During the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity opportunities to pray together as the Christian community in Oadby have been arranged as follows:
6.45pm Mon 20 January         Immaculate Conception
6.45pm Tues 21 January         Trinity Methodist
6,45pm Wed 22 January         St Peter's
6.45pm Thurs 23 January       Oadby Baptist
6.45pm Fri 24 January            URC
10.00am Sat 25 January         St Paul's

Do take the opportunity to join in one or several of these.