Thursday, 7 February 2008

Oadby's Manor High School "outstanding" say OfSTED

Congratulations to Manor High School on their recent OfSTED inspection, in which they were judged to be "outstanding". I was in school during the week of the surprise inspection last December, taking a series of assemblies on the theme of Advent Hope.

The report (available here) begins, "Manor High is an outstanding school. Its pupils consistently reach exceptionally high standards by the time they leave in Year 9, and these standards have continued to rise since the last inspection. Pupils' outstanding achievement is brought about by excellent teaching."

Dilan Lodhia, 12, told Leicester Mercury: "I think Manor is a good school because nearly all the teachers are friendly and I think that the rules are fair. Mrs Major is a wicked head teacher. I have lots of great friends and they are very nice."

Congratulations to headteacher Sheila Major and the whole school. We're pleased to be in partnership with them, and that they use our Barnabas Centre for meetings of the senior management team. A number of families in church have children with present, or past, connections with Manor and some play a key role in the school governing body.