Wednesday, 21 March 2007

The role of Parochial Church Council Representatives

From the flyer accompanying the nomination forms for this year's elections:

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) is responsible, with the incumbent, for the life and mission of the parish. In Oadby, the chief responsibilities of the PCC are in relation to agreeing policy affecting both St Peter’s and St Paul’s, and the authorisation of projects that involve substantial sums of money.

The PCC is responsible for all parish finance and property, though smaller decisions about these are delegated to the District Church Councils.

PCC Representatives should be regular worshippers and be willing to offer their particular skills or insights to decisions. An understanding of how members of congregations feel about issues is very valuable, as well as the commitment to work in between meetings to make things happen.

The clergy, Readers, Churchwardens, Deputy Churchwardens and Deanery Synod Representatives are all ex-officio members of the PCC. In addition, two representatives are appointed by election each year at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting, each serving a three-year term.