Wednesday 21 March 2007

The role of District Church Council Representatives

From the flyer accompanying the nomination forms for this year's elections:

The District Church Council (DCC) is focussed on the mission of the church community. There is a DCC for St Paul’s Church and a DCC for St Peter’s Church.

The DCC helps shape and develop the local church and its life, witness and service to the people of our neighbourhood. The DCC is the key decision-making body in relation to buildings and activities that take place in them,

DCC Representatives should play a full part in the life of the local church and be thoughtful and prayerful Christians. They should be willing to take responsibility for seeing decisions turned into practical action between meetings, and to work and pray for the flourishing of church life.

All members of the PCC are automatically members of both District Church Councils. In addition, at St Paul’s we elect three church members at the Annually Parochial Church Meeting, to each serve a one-year term of office.