Friday 14 February 2020

Life's two certainties...

Having faith in Jesus assures us that God is with us in everything we do. Jesus offers us fullness of life in the here and now and also the assurance of eternal life with him forever. Jesus does not promise that this life will be easy but that he will never leave us or forsake us. It is often said that there are two certainties in life, death and taxes! This is true and we don’t really like to talk about either. But death is something we will all face at some point until Jesus returns in all his glory. Many people plan for what they would like to happen with their material possession’s by writing a will. But permit me to ask a personal question, have you planned your funeral?
It may sound a morbid question but it is important to face it. In my time in ministry I have met with a few people to plan their own funeral. I have also spoken to people who had started to think about what they might want at their funeral and then died before they got to share their choices with anyone. One story that always sticks with me from my curacy was of a lady who I worked with on her mother’s funeral, she knew that her mum would have wanted certain things but she didn’t know what they were. After we had planned the service she told me she was going to plan her own funeral next because she didn’t want her children to go through the stress she had faced in planning her mother’s service. So do write down your music choices, hymn choices, favourite Bible reading and any other details that are important to you and let someone know. I have planned mine, make time to plan yours.