Thursday 25 July 2019

A Very Warm Welcome!

It is common for many churches to offer their visitors “a very warm welcome.” It couldn’t have been more literally true today as people came for the Midweek Communion Service and “Coffee Pot” afterwards. By 11 a.m. the shade temperature in the Church Car Park had already reached 33° C. We hear it is expected to go far higher.
At our service, this reminds us that today is the day when we remember St James, who was called by Jesus, with his brother John to leave their fishing boats and follow him. When their mother asked Jesus to give her sons the top position the side of him, when he returned in glory, he gently explained that that was not his to give. Like his master like his master, James did finish up being executed for his faith.
May we be as prepared to make sacrifices for our faith as was St James.