Sunday 9 June 2019

Flames of Fire

The music group with coloured clothes
Today – Pentecost Sunday – the anniversary of the Birth Day of the church – the day when the Holy Spirit fell upon the first disciples with what looked like flames of fire and all the crowd around heard what they were speaking in their own language. In celebration the congregation was encouraged to come to church today in brightly coloured clothes. Many people did so, so there were red, yellow and orange shirts, sweaters and saris all around the church. Many of our young people formed our music group and they took this very much to heart.

Singing in Portuguese
The theme of the different languages was also taken up as the children sung a song in Portuguese and when it came to the Lord’s Prayer, the different lines were said by different members of the congregation in their own languages.

The service was led by Angie and in her sermon, Lou took up the importance of bringing the good news of Christ’s forgiveness to everyone, not just people like us.