It is also the
beginning of the “Thy Kingdom Come” event that has been organised by the
archbishops of Canterbury and York. It runs from Ascension Day (today) until
Pentecost Sunday in 10 days time. It varies in character from church to church,
but at its centre is a commitment for each person to pray for 5 people who do
not at present acknowledge Christ as Saviour. Additionally, there is a
commitment to pray the Lord’s Prayer every day – Thy Kingdom Come.
These themes
were particular subjects for prayer at the midweek communion service held this
morning, led by Liz Wilson.
this evening, we have an Ascension Day service with commissioning of the new
Parochial Church Council. Afterwards, there will be the first meeting of that council.
Although this happens annually, this will be rather special as within months
the Oadby Parish will be divided into two (St Peters at St Paul’s) but also
uniting with the Great Glen parishes into one group. So this will be the last
meeting of Oadby PCC in the present structure.