On Sunday evening St Paul's hosted 'Praying together for Oadby', an evening service for Churches Together in Oadby at the end of the Thy Kingdom Come wave of prayer. In between sung worship at the beginning and end of the service everyone was invited to make use of a variety of prayer stations at the back of church. Each church had been invited to provide an interactive prayer station focused on a particular area of our shared community life together. Here are some photos below..
Everyone up and out of their seats making use of the different prayer stations which had been provided by the different churches in Oadby.Praying for the local emergency services and the safety of the community.
Asking God how we should respond and share the love and light of Christ in the community.
Praying for the local borough council and for our diverse community, that we can continue to live in harmony.
An opportunity to write our own prayers and put them on the prayer wall or light a candle for those who have suffered particularly at the terrorist attacks in Manchester and London.
Praying for the local shops, businesses and community groups.
It was a good time for us to come together and pray for the needs of our community. A big thank you to all who came along and to those who worked hard to make the service happen.