In the Archdeacon's
Charge, he explained the role of a churchwarden, as follows:
“The office of Churchwarden is an ancient one,
dating from the early middle ages. As officers of the Bishop, and members of
the Parochial Church Council, Churchwardens are charged with co-operating with
the incumbent, and leading the laity in the promotion of the mission and
ministry of the church in the local parish.
In doing so, Churchwardens offer a ministry of
welcome and pastoral care to church members and their parish priest and the
priest's family.
In Churchwardens is vested the property in the
plate, ornaments and other moveable goods of the church, of which they are
asked to maintain an inventory and report on them annually to the Bishop and
Parochial church Council.
They are also asked to maintain order and decency
in the church, especially during public worship.
It is to this important ministry that you have been
elected at your annual parish meeting.”
In the presence
of the Diocesan Registrar , a legal officer, the churchwardens present,
including Vivien, were asked to stand and
make the following declaration:
“I solemnly and sincerely declare
Before God and his people
That I will faithfully and diligently
Discharge the duties of my officeFor the parish in which I have been chosen
During the period of my appointment
Calling at all times on the strength that God gives me.”
To which the Registrar responded:
“On behalf of the Bishop, I admit you to the office of Churchwarden to serve in your respective parishes during the coming year.”
We will be
praying for Vivien as she seeks to carry out this commitment.