This week the minister's from Churches Together in Oadby met to support and pray for one another. We also discussed plans for working together this term. Our work is supported by a group of lay reps from each church who also met together regularly and help turn plans into reality.
I was struck by something I read this week in my Bible in One Year commenting on a passage in Galatians, "Some today try to draw these kinds of boundaries.They say it is not enough to be a Christian. You need to be 'like us'. You need to be 'evangelical' or 'Catholic' or 'Pentecostal' - you have to be like them, whatever they are. You have to be a particular type of Christian to be a proper Christian. But faith in Jesus is enough. You do not need to add to it by circumcision or by any other brand. Accept one another on the basis of faith in Jesus, rather than the type of Christian."
Faith in Jesus is enough. Our common faith in Jesus Christ is what allows us to work together to share the good news of Jesus with all in Oadby.