On Sunday our service embodied this verse above from Romans 12.15.
Erica & Nelson shared testimony and gave thanks to God after Nelson walked away from a serious car crash 2 weeks ago with only a few scars. It was a privilege to witness them do this in a traditional African way with some great singing and rolling on the floor symbolising laying their whole life down to God as a thank offering.
This was followed by Emmanuel sharing the sad news of a mini bus crash at his church in Nigeria which had killed 8 people on their way to a wedding. We stood with Emmanuel and prayed for that church fellowship as they come to terms with this shocking news.
Later in the service Rupa shared her own reflections on Colin's sermon and they way it had spoken to her.
These stories strengthen our shared fellowship, remind us of God at work in our lives and show that we all have something to contribute as we gather to worship.
You would be very welcome to join us.