Last Sunday was Trinity Sunday which is one of the more tricky concepts of the Christian faith to explain. Hopefully this Celtic image helps to give some idea. My own personal favourite is that of a Jaffa Cake with sponge, orange filling and chocolate all together making a Jaffa Cake. If one part it missing it is not a true Jaffa Cake! So it is with God, if one part is missing you haven't got a complete understanding of God.
On Thursday the Church gave thanks for Communion as a way of remembering all that Jesus has done for us. As the celebrations of Easter and Pentecost pass and the Churches season moves into "Ordinary Time" Communion helps to sustain us through the journey of life with all its highs and lows and in the ordinary everyday life.
This Sunday we return to our sermon series on Galatians. As followers of Jesus we gather each week to worship God, Father, Son & Holy Spirit. We give thanks for all that Jesus has done for us and remember this as we share Communion together. Do come and join us at 10am.