This message of Resurrection featured in all the apostles’ preaching. They had met the risen Lord. They knew that the sacrifice of Himself on the cross had been acceptable to God. So, it’s right that we celebrate.
As the first Easter day events started “early in the morning,” we too met in Brock's Hill Park for a sunrise service at 6:15 a.m. prepared by Colin Chettle and led by Steve Bailey. There,as the sun rose, we read the account of Jesus' resurrection from John's Gospel chapter 20. Four monologues, representing the apostles Thomas, Peter, John and Mary Magdalene illustrated their feelings at the beginning and the end of the story. The words were interspersed with three hymns (When I Survey, Jesus Christ is Risen Today, and Thine Be the Glory) sung splendidly unaccompanied, the lighting of candles, to announce the resurrection, and prayers.
As the sun rose, a cloud blotted it out but it still made a memorable start to this most special of days. Together, we returned for breakfast in church, and the rest of the day's events.
As the sun rose, a cloud blotted it out but it still made a memorable start to this most special of days. Together, we returned for breakfast in church, and the rest of the day's events.