Four days after
Shrove Tuesday, St Pauls held its own pancake day, on Saturday evening,
combined with a quiz night. After the social group had made 2 very tasty
pancakes for each person, we settled down to the quiz night, when our ignorance
was shown to all. Fortunately, as we worked by tables, individual lack of
knowledge was often overcome by the more knowledgeable. Sadly, sometimes, no
one on the table had any idea of the answer.
It’s often difficult
to recognise celebrities’ faces, but the combination of 2 people into one face
made them (for many of us) almost impossible to place. Identifying pictures of
famous world sites was somewhat easier.
However well one
did, it was done in good company, and the whole thing was an enjoyable evening.
Many thanks to
the social team who made it possible, cooked the pancakes and arranged the quiz.