The banner outside the church at present reads: “enough food for
everyone, IF we act and pray.” The action of one family in the church, the Batchelors,
was to go to London support the IF Campaign Rally on 9 June in Westminster Central Hall, Westminster, and
then in Hyde Park. There, they joined 45,000 other like-minded people from 200
different charities.
At our service yesterday, Matilda presented a PowerPoint of
their experiences. She described what it was like to be in the huge crowd. The
rally was particularly calling for the developed world to Give enough Aid; for
multinational companies to Stop Tax Dodging, which was depriving Third World
countries of much-needed revenue that was rightfully theirs; for a Stop to Land
Grabbing which meant that rather than being used for food, the land was growing
biofuels; and overall for Transparency, so that it could be seen what companies
were doing what.
It was a scandal that one in eight people in the world went
to bed hungry when there was actually enough food for all, and 3 million children
died of malnutrition each year. The rally had been supported by many
celebrities such as Danny Boyle, Bill Gates, Rowan
Williams, Justin Welby, Eddie Izzard, and other religious leaders.
The family brought with them the banners that they had carried on
the march and invited other children in the church to come and wave them.
Let’s continue to pray for this campaign.