The Diocesan Lay Congress on Saturday, 26 May, called “Colours of Life” was rather different this year – as an all-age family celebration at the Samworth Academy. Some of us went from St Paul's. There is much to celebrate – Pentecost Sunday, the birthday of the church, is tomorrow; we are celebrating the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and the Olympics will soon be upon us.
Guest speaker, Graham Tomlin drew the comparison between the athlete in training and the Christian life. What lengths the athlete (and even many ordinary people) go to, to get "fit." How much more important that the Christian should discipline their life, both to know God better for themselves and to show to those around the difference that God makes.
But there was also plenty of fun with bouncy castles, face painting, magicians and "messy church" which showed how worship can be fun for all ages. Add in a gospel choir, a Taizé Eucharist and a Celebration Service and there was something for everyone.