- Co-op have launched their website, An Eco-town for Leicestershire with more detailed information about the master plan.
- The government's assessment of the Pennbury proposal has been published and a draft Planning Policy Statement issued for consultation.
- There is more information on the DirectGov website, including a link to an online response form where you can register your thoughts.
- CASCET's website campaigns against the possibility of an eco-town.
- Leicester City Council has agreed to support the Co-op’s proposal for an eco-town in Pennbury, subject to certain conditions being met. The County Council remains opposed.
Rather than entering into the "Should it happen?" debate at this stage, I'm interested to know how the details would be worked in practice. We continue to take an interest in a major local concern, to reflect on the 'what ifs' and to consider how a development like this raises important issues about
what a good place to live could be.