Vicars get teased about having a one-day-a-week job. Behind the laughter, there's often a genuine curiosity about how we spend our time between Sundays.
One of the areas of work that absorbs about a quarter of my time is supporting the work of over 160 Readers in Leicestershire. Readers are licensed lay ministers who preach, teach and lead worship. This last couple of months has been a very busy time and I thought that you should know what I've been up to.
Last night, I met with the eight newest students on the new Reader Training Course for the last of our five sessions together on preaching and communication. The course members were selected for this important role in the church in a rigorous vocations process, which I also lead. I remember meeting them each individually several years ago and it's great to see them come together as a group for the third and final year of their studies. This term we've been learning about Communication in the Church. That's a broad subject, but within it preaching has formed the focus and emphasis of our studies.
Yesterday, each student preached a short sermon using the methods and principles that we've discussed in previous weeks. I was impressed with them all and it was a really encouraging evening. They are already contributing really effectively in their churches and I know that they'll make a big impact through their ministry.
Last weekend at the Cathedral we licensed seven new Readers from last year's course. They joined new Pastoral Assistants, Evangelists and Children's Workers for a service that celebrated lay ministry and left no seats unused. Existing Readers and other ministers returned to be recommissioned for their ministries.
I've thoroughly enjoyed this busy season of Reader ministry activity - and looking forward to focussing more on St Paul's in the coming months.