Random Fish gather in the Barnabas Centre at St Paul's from 7pm to 9pm. Email Doug or Jennifer for details.
The series, which starts on Palm Sunday 16th March, will be scheduled in peak time on BBC1. It is likely to attract audiences in excess of 10 million. It tells the story of the last week of Jesus’ life, His trial and crucifixion. The last episode, to be broadcast on Easter Sunday 23rd March, dramatises His post-resurrection appearances. It has been made by award-winning drama producer Nigel Stafford-Clark, who was responsible for Bleak House and Warriors. The cast includes Cold Feet star James Nesbitt as Pilate and EastEnders actor Paul Nicholls as Judas Iscariot. The part of Jesus is played by the relatively unknown Joseph Mawle, who at 33 is the same age as Jesus during the events of the Passion.
Vocations day is an opportunity to explore and discern your ministry, whether this may be a formal lay ministry of some kind or simply mean being more involved with your church, this day will help you to realise your calling.
This day will give you the opportunity to hear from those already working as lay ministers and meet the officers responsible for particular ministries.
This day will be of value to anyone interested in finding out about opportunities to serve and minister within the church. Speaker: Rev Charles Richardson Ordained in 1979, Charles has been involved in vocational work for the whole of his ministry. After two curacies he spent five years as a Selection Secretary and Vocations Advisor at the Ministry Division. As Rector and Rural Dean in Hastings he continued to offer vocational advice and on his appointment as Vicar of St. John's, East Dulwich, he became Vocations Advisor for the Woolwich Area in the Diocese of Southwark. He is a Pastoral Selector for Bishop's Selection Conferences. He edited and contributed to a recent book on calling, This is our Calling (SPCK, 2004).
Booking necessary, please contact Claire Stapleton at Church House Tel: 0116 248 7417 or E-mail: claire.stapleton@leccofe.org
"I would like to thank you all for the very, very kind donations of toys that you have sent in for the children and families at Border House Hostel.
The difference that your kind thoughts and generosity have made to our families is priceless. Our families come to us with very little and even the smallest drop of human kindness gives them the strength to endure the hardship they face. And at this time of year your gifts have much more meaning to our families.
Our biggest thank you is from the children. The look on the faces of the children when they received their gifts was a reward in itself.
May we take this opportunity to wish you and your families love, peace and happiness for 2008."
The Week of Prayer was first marked by Father Paul Wattson, an Episcopalian Franciscan priest in the USA. The resources have therefore been produced in this centenary year from within the United States of America. The image is from Ground Zero and symbolises the sense of praying for peace and reconciliation, both within the Church and the world.
The aims are:
Readings and meditations focus on Paul's advice to "pray without ceasing". Resources for the week, produced by Churches Together in Britain and Ireland, include a service pamphlet, prayer cards and poster.
The Week of Prayer offers opportunities to meet and pray with fellow Christians of different denominations in your locality. Often new local initiatives emerge out of meeting and praying together in this way.
Churches Together in Oadby is affiliated to Churches Together in Britain and Ireland and as usual we'll be marking the week of prayer for Christian Unity with a series of services:Key - Church Events | Barnabas Centre