Thursday, 20 September 2007

Grave concerns

I've just come back home from taking a funeral of a local lady. We walked down from St Peter's Church, me in front of the hearse, the mourners behind, to the grave at Oadby Cemetery. I like this way of doing things. There's something very special about honouring someone in stopping the traffic and taking things at walking pace. In these moments, the worth and significance of one human life is celebrated.

At the graveside there's always a bit of nervous edging around the open grave, but once we're settled, peace and calm descends. Not even the hammering of some nearby builders could spoil the tranquility of a late summer afternoon. Tears were wiped from eyes and flowers tossed into the grave, while we heard words of promise and hope.

It's the way it's been for centuries. Warm, dark earth and a community of real people finding strength and comfort from each other and from the church's ministry of the gospel. A good way to use the afternoon.