Thursday 10 May 2018

Principal Services – a Message from the Rector

Dear Friends,
Happy Easter! As we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, his conquering of death and hell we join with Christians the world over proclaiming Alleluia, Christ is Risen, He is Risen indeed, Alleluia!
We return in our All Age services to looking at what we can learn from Women & Men of Faith in the Bible. We are fortunate to welcome some guest preachers, Rob Hay is the Head of Learning, Rachel Bennetts is the Prior of the New Monastic Community and Lusa Ngoy is the BAME Mission & Ministry Enabler. It will be good to hear from them and learn more about their roles.
Later we turn our attention to the Church. Following the success of last year's series I Believe in the Church we return to the second half of David Wastson's book and look at the different things we do as Church. This series will run across both churches again so we can look forward to a variety of preachers on some important topics.
Every Blessing,
Service Details