In his sermon,
are our other Reader, Hugh James, showed the importance that Jesus gave to the
Bible of his time, the old Testament, and based his claims of being the
Messiah, on it. He went on to show how Paul the apostle based his teaching
using the words of Jesus and those of the old Testament as of equal value. He
challenged the church to take time to "read, mark, learn and inwardly
digest" the words of the Bible.
To Christians,
the Bible is of vital importance as it tells of God's love for the world and
the way that he has brought liberation through Jesus. Yet there are still many
people in the world who have yet to have the Bible translated into their own
"heart language" – their primary language. And there are many others
who live in areas of the world where the Bible is a forbidden book and owning
one is an imprisonable offence.
We remembered
both these groups in our prayers as well as the Bible Society and others, who
seek to make the Bible available to all.