As we journey together through the summer holiday season and the start of the autumn term we continue to follow some of the readings from the Essential 100 book.
I know many of you have been working through this in your home groups or individually. May I encourage you, if like me you have not finished the book, to keep going.
Through August and into September we are going to be focusing on the miracles of Jesus using the 5 passages suggested in the E100 book. We pause for a week to join with friends at St Peter’s for a parish communion over the Bank Holiday weekend.
On the 18th September we celebrate Harvest together as we thank God for his faithful provision year by year and also remember those in need.
The following Sunday is Back to Church Sunday and I would strongly encourage you to consider prayerfully who you could invite to come along. Do take an invitation nearer the time and pass it on to as many people as you can think of.
In the evening of the 25th we are fortunate enough to be welcoming the newly appointed Bishop of Mount Kilimanjaro, Stanley Hotay, to a special evening service. Come along and hear from our link diocese in
My prayer is that together we can grow as the family of God as we learn from His word and live it out in our daily lives.
In Christ,
Revd Steve Bailey