Sunday 10 December 2017

Coffee Pot Carols

Although Christmas Day is still two weeks away, we seem well into the Christmas season at St Paul’s. On 5 December, the Parkinson Society Choir who use old buildings regularly, held a session of carols, led by the former member, Revd Richard Curtis, who has now moved to Wiltshire, but came back from vacation. They had invited our congregation to help swell the noise! It was a good time.

Two days later Coffee Pot are regular Thursday group held their Coffee Pot Carol service. It was led by our curate Gillian Gamble, with readings, a talk – in which the Christmas story was told using some hideous puns on the names of popular snacks (but it made it memorable) – and of course lots of carols. The service was held grouped round tables and afterwards there was tea and coffee and mince pies.

Lots more events are planned. Do come and join us.