Wednesday 25 July 2012


This coming Sunday we reach the end of our sermon series on the Lord's Prayer and consider the importance of this little word that comes at the end of prayers, Amen.

At St Paul's a few weeks ago I took my first wedding here which was a real privilage and a joyous occassion. At a wedding service the couple enter into an agreement together, the ceremony marks the start of something new that they will invest in together.

When we say Amen at the end of a prayer it is a bit like entering into an agreement with God. Amen is not just an end to our 'list' of things that we have prayed for but rather a promise to live out we have said, to 'let it be so'. We enter into agreement with God that his kingdom will and way be done in our lives.

Join us this Sunday as we say Amen together to all we have learnt from this familiar pattern of prayer that Jesus taught us.