Tuesday 15 February 2011

Make your vote count!

Our church is led by our Rector, Michael Rusk, our Team Vicar (soon to be Steve Bailey) and the team of Clergy and Lay Ministers that works with them. But it is also legally governed by the Churchwardens and a committee called the PCC (Parochial Church Council). These act as trustees for the Charity Commission. The PCC meets every month or two, to plan the church's future activities.

Because we have two churches in the parish, each church also has a Deputy Churchwarden and a DCC (District Church Council) which meets most months.

Each year we meet for the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) at which we are able to hear how things have gone in the last year and elect Churchwardens, PCC, DCC and other officers. This year's APCM is at 7:45 PM at St Peter's Centre on Thursday 14 April 2011. For this to be truly representative, we need a good turnout and I hope you can come.

But in order to vote, you have to be a member of the church. You do this by being on the "Electoral Roll." If you are not already on the Electoral Roll, you need to join it by completing the application form which you can find here.

Can you suggest someone with the qualities to be a Churchwarden? If so, use the nomination form here

Do you know someone who would work well on the PCC or DCC (or are you prepared to serve)? Nominations for the PCC are available here, and for the DCC here.

This is an opportunity to say thank you to all those who have served our churches so well in the last year.