Saturday 16 August 2008

Questions Jesus asked

I've been reading Victor Shepherd's book, "Do you love me? - and other questions Jesus asks" in preparation for some training that I'm delivering soon.

It's a great idea for a book. We often think of ourselves as having all the questions, and perhaps of Jesus as having all the answers. But faith is a living relationship and our communion with God in Jesus is more of a conversation than we might at first assume.

We'll be exploring these questions during our sermon series in October, but home group leaders and church members might like to look at Victor Shepherd's book in preparation.

Amazon includes this synopsis:
Many of us have questions about Jesus, but did you know that Jesus has questions for us? Indeed, as Victor Shepherd points out in this book, Jesus spent much of his ministry on earth asking his disciples questions rather than answering the questions on their agenda. Instead, he used questions as a way of reshaping and redirecting his disciples towards the Truth. This is not to say that Jesus dismisses our questions as trite. Yet because our hearts are corrupt, we are often asking the wrong questions. In this book, Victor Shepherd reflects on twelve important questions that Jesus asked, challenging us to reflect on the significance of these questions for us today and bringing these truths to bear upon our everyday lives. A pastor for more than forty years, Victor Shepherd now serves as Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology at Tyndale University College & Seminary, Toronto, and professor ordinarius for the Graduate Theological Foundation, University of Oxford.