Wednesday 10 October 2007

Brand, image and the church

The Holy Space team met on Sunday night and decided we needed a simple logo to promote the alternative worship services.

We chose something "un-churchy" and simple, which connects with the idea of a space and time set apart for encounters with God.

I think we have more to learn about the way that graphics help people to understand what we do. Perhaps the symbol of the cross is the ultimate graphical representation of the Christian faith.

I've always wondered why churches don't do more to create a powerful and consistent image to present to the world, as a simple aid to mission. Perhaps it's because the commercial world followed the Church's original lead so that now every enterprise has a logo and spends huge effort developing its brand image. If this means that Christians are wary of gimmicks or "slick marketing" then I understand the concern. But whether we like it or not, every church has an image.

I hope we can do more to create a positive public profile - realistic and truthful, but also attractive and appealing. The gospel deserves nothing less.

For some provocative thoughts on publicity in relation to the Church, visit the blog of Church Marketing Sucks. Their mission is to "frustrate, educate and motivate the church, to communicate, with uncompromising clarity, the truth of Jesus Christ".

Update: The ChurchRelevance blog lists its top twenty church logos.