Got any plans for 19 June? If you’re in the Leicester area, then take a look at ‘Better than Alright? - looking at the stuff of everyday life’.
So what’ll be happening at ‘Better than Alright?’ Emma Coffey, who heads up 2030vision, explains…
Turning 30
“Sometimes when I look in the mirror I wonder, “Where did my 20s go?” It all seemed to happen so fast. I guess it’s true that time flies when you’re having fun, although some bits certainly weren’t fun at the time!
“Since getting involved with 2030vision, I’ve realised I’m not the only person who sometimes feels life is passing me by. We ran a survey and one person said she felt she’d been encouraged to believe she could be anything she wanted to be and could ‘have it all’, only to find out it wasn’t true. I think a lot of us in our 20s and 30s feel like that.
Self-worth, relationships, money, and work
“True, everything’s ‘alright’ I guess, but when people ask me how things are, I want to be able to say that life’s better than alright. And, you know, sometimes I’m just not sure who to talk to about the big things of life - like self-worth, relationships, money, and work. Where do we start?
“So that’s why we’re calling this event ‘Better than Alright?’ I’m hoping it’ll be a place where we can talk honestly about these big issues.
What do you think about life?
I reckon one of the best things about the event will be hearing what you think about life. And I don’t mean in a ‘heavy’ sort of way. You’ll have time to chat in this café-style evening, to listen, and think. And you can contribute as little or as much as you like. If you’re in your 20s or 30s, I hope you’ll join us.”
Emma Coffey will be joined by David Oliver, author of Love Work, Live Life! and singer Julia Harris.More details and booking here.