Sunday 15 April 2007

What's your bible like?

In church this morning, Rebecca showed me her new bible. It was a rather nifty little number, just the right size for her handbag, and its cover was made of a rather swish suede-type stuff. I was impressed.

I was even more impressed that Rebecca's "favourite bits" were already well thumbed. We chatted about the working life of a bible - is it five years, ten years, or what?

I've got several bibles, as you might imagine. The one I reach for most often lives on the shelf behind me. It's a battered hardback New Revised Standard, about eight years old, the spine of which is sellotaped. I bought it while studying theology and for me it evokes happy thoughts of new discoveries about the wonder of scripture.

I'm not much of a note maker, but there are a number of highlighted and underlined sections. I can't remember exactly why I did this at the time, but the passages are certainly important ones.

Now, what's your bible like?

Hit the comments link under this post and let us know. In particular tell us:
  • Roughly how old it is
  • Where you keep it
  • What version it is (NIV, NRSV, Good News, King James etc.)
  • Anything that makes this bible special to you
Go on! Hit that comment link now...