Thursday 2 March 2017

Heads above the Parapet

On Sunday, we reached the sixth of our series: Fruitfulness on the Frontline. This one was: Being a Mouthpiece for Truth and Justice. Gillian took the account of the prophet Nathan who told King David the story of a rich man who had seized and eaten a poor man’s pet lamb, rather than use one of his own flock (2 Samuel 12.1-13). The King was appalled, but the prophet then confronted him: “You are the man.” Relating to the way that he had taken Uriah’s wife and organised for Uriah to be killed.

Gillian emphasised the importance of Christians being prepared to stand up for truth and justice and “put our heads above the parapet.”

That is often not an easy task, but as servants of Christ, it’s one we are called to undertake.