Monday 14 April 2014

Tough Questions

Our new programme from April to June is now available in print form or online (here).

During the Easter season, we naturally turn our thoughts to the wonder of Christ’s Resurrection which demonstrates the truth of his promise that we can now relate to God as a consequence of his death by crucifixion.

However, after that we are going to be looking at a series of “Tough Questions.” These are the sort of questions that people who do not claim to be Christians often put forward as an objection to faith. They include questions about other religions, “what happens when I die?” other spiritualities, the compatibility of science and religion and the Trinity. Tough questions, yes! But we hope that the answers will lead us on in our faith.

If this sort of approach would interest you, please join us at our 10.0 a.m. Sunday morning services. You would be very welcome.